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Rely on our team to assist your business with strategies to become game-changers in sustainability 


Sandcast Management Inc. is a partnership of executive program management and sustainability/environmental management. Co-founded by Ms Gail Sandford, an experienced  VP program managerment and Chief Operating Officer of insitutional solar system. projects. And, Ms. Beatrice Castillo,  VP of Sustainability with area focus of  life cycle analysis (LCA). Ms Castillo is a graduate of the Harvard University Extension School Environmental Studies Master of Liberal Arts, and the Univerisity of Southern California  School of Civil Engineering - Building Science.  Ms. Sandford's top rated MBA graduate from the USC Marshall school of business and holds MS Engineering from George Washington University.


Proven Program Management techniques to implement sustainability within your organization.

Business operations value stream mapping with focus on green opportuinties to save cost and align your business with sustainablity objectives

Detailed LCA of process based systems to support GRI reporting goals

"Building your Sustainability Business"

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